Roughing It Easy with Dian Thomas


The Beauty of Wildflowers in the High Alpine: A Ranger Kid’s Perspective

2025-01-28T03:05:38+00:00January 28th, 2025|Travel, USA|

I love to travel and do a great deal of it, but I still return back falling more in love with the place that I call home.  The next week is very special to me as it is the time that the wild flowers in [...]

The Ultimate Bike Adventure: My RAGBRAI Experience and How Group Activities Make Exercise Fun

2025-01-29T22:35:34+00:00January 16th, 2025|Dian's Journey, Exercise, Health, Wellness and Lifestyle, USA|

A Moving Adventure Across Iowa This past week there was a moving adventure across Iowa. This was the same state that took many days for the early pioneers to cross. This time instead of wagon wheels rolling across the state, it was over 15,000 bike [...]

Brighton’s 4th of July Parade: A Heartwarming Celebration in the Wasatch Mountains

2025-01-16T15:56:51+00:00January 16th, 2025|Family Fun, Fourth of July, USA|

Fourteen miles east of Salt Lake City, deep in the heart of the Wasatch Mountains is the mountain village of Brighton. In winter it is the home of the Brighton/Solitude Ski resort. In the summer it’s where you go to cool off from the summer [...]

Riding Across Iowa: My RAGBRAI Journey and Weight Loss Transformation

2025-01-16T15:55:04+00:00January 16th, 2025|Fitness and Lifestyle, USA, Weight Loss|

In 1847 the Mormon pioneers crossed Iowa walking with their wagons. Today there are still people crossing Iowa. This week I joined 17,000 cyclists to ride from the west side of Iowa to the east. The ride went from  July 25 – 31st.  The ride [...]

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