Roughing It Easy with Dian Thomas


LDS Travelers Can Now Connect with LDS Guides Around the World

2024-11-30T22:09:09+00:00December 28th, 2024|Career, LDS Church Experiences, Travel|

Discover LDS Tours with Local Guides Worldwide For more than six years, I traveled with BYU Education Weeks all over the United States and Canada. One of the nicest benefits of this was that we were met by our hosts and often had the most [...]

Learning in a Different Way

2023-02-19T06:28:40+00:00February 19th, 2023|Career|

For someone who did not like to read and write, life has really changed. When I was called in high school to the counselor’s office after taking an aptitude test, my counselor told me not to go on to college, because I did not have the [...]

Journey to Success

2023-02-23T18:40:55+00:00February 19th, 2023|Career, Dian's Journey|

 In high school, I took an aptitude test in the tenth grade. When the score returned, the school counselor called me into the office. I remember her asking me what I planned to do after high school. I stood tall and said, "I am going to [...]

The Biggest Adventures in Life is to Follow Your Dreams

2023-03-24T20:26:38+00:00February 17th, 2023|Career, China, Dian's Journey|

I learned from a sightless eighty-two-year-old man on the top of the Great Wall of China that the biggest adventure in life is to follow our dreams! For the past seven years, I have been a tour director for people traveling to China. In a recent [...]

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